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We are here for you


HR Strategy

Together with the senior leadership team, HRflow develops your professional HR strategy. With a combined perspective of company and employees we create an inspiring, hands-on roadmap: to achieve your long-term business goals.


HR Business Partner

HRflow is a trusted and experienced HR partner for your executives: We advise you with our cross-sector knowledge on HR topics such as development, salary, performance, and team structure.


HR Support

Looking for relief from daily HR tasks? Our HR professionals support employees and managers reliably and flexibly, for example with contracts, time management, payroll processes or references.

Our Purpose

HRflow makes the world better in your company and beyond: with happy employees, capable managers – and satisfied customers.


What do we do?

We help companies improve their HR processes, tackle new HR issues and put them into practice.

How do we do it?

We create long-term value for companies because we focus on the people behind them: They are the most vital resource.  

Why do we exist?

We truly believe happy employees are happier people. That's exactly what we need - for successful companies and for our society.

We make your HR Lifecycle flow


Employer Branding

& Recruiting

Is your company already an attractive and unique employer brand? Together we position your business, because recruitment is ultimately about managing expectations. To reach the right talents who are a good fit for the job, we create multiple recruiting channels. Throughout the entire recruiting process we ensure an authentic and transparent candidate experience.


Performance Management

& Goal Setting

Things only move forward when everyone is on track: We introduce an agile goal-setting process that helps individuals focus on their own contribution to team and company goals. To make performance management easier for executives, we implement efficient structures to reward or challenge performance. Overall, we create fair and transparent processes for salary discussions, performance measurement and feedback meetings.



Our definition of successful onboarding? Employees quickly feel connected to their new employer and effectively contribute to the company's goals with their skills. We support you in designing the onboarding process to ensure a good start in the team and in the field. At this stage, it is also very important to stay in touch with employees to discuss expectations and to get feedback.



What binds employees to the company in the long term? To find out, we design employee engagement surveys and help you hold meaningful conversations with your employees about how satisfied they are with their daily work and what really matters to them. After all, people who enjoy coming to work also work better. We support you in designing fair, transparent compensation, flexibility, benefits and training to promote employee retention.


Learning &


The right growth-oriented mentality is the key to success: A company only develops if its employees develop as well. We help you unleash the full potential of your employees by creating a skill development framework, for example with personality profile assessment. By the way: Learning and development often leads higher employee satisfaction – and better results in the company.



When an employee leaves, we help you make sure the offboarding process is respectful and positive. Staying in touch with the former employee often creates unexpected opportunities for the future. From our experience, it is also valuable to learn why someone is leaving. With open and honest feedback, the company can develop further.

Additional Services



Not everyone is born a leader. The good news is that leadership can be learned. In our interactive workshops, we inspire and empower managers in people management - with joy, practical knowledge and new skills.


Diversity & Inclusion

Join us in creating a diverse and inclusive corporate culture in which all employees can contribute their skills in a respectful environment. Studies have long shown that diverse teams produce better results: out-of-the-box solutions from out-of-the-box people.


HR Digitalization

Are you using the opportunities of digitalization for your HR? We implement innovative software solutions, which relieve you and simplify processes for your employees: Applicant management, reports, vacations, time recording, document management.



What can we do to ensure that employees are and remain mentally and physically healthy? Together we develop sustainable concepts and ideas to ensure the long-term and holistic health of employees.


New Work

How do we want to work now and in the future? Let us shape the way of working in a changing world. Together, we design suitable work models, flexible work, new work that best suits your company, your employees and customers.


Social Impact

We are not an island, but all part of society. How can your company give something back and make the world a better place? Let's spin ideas. After all, companies that operate sustainably are often considered better employers.

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We work extremely efficient - thanks to our experience and proven methods. That's why we save you 50 percent of your HR costs compared to regular HR professionals or agencies. At the same time, we promise your company, employees and managers 100 percent professional HR results.

Let's get started


You know that you need to address certain HR challenges, but you don't know how? Or you have too few HR staff because the demands have grown? You lack the right idea to align your HR holistically? Simply send us a request, we start immediately and flexibly! 


Our joint HR journey starts with a three-month test phase. During this time, we tackle the first projects or develop a strategy for your HR. After that, we are happy to support you in the long term (with an annual contract) and accompany you on your way to becoming the employer you want to be. Our business relationship is always based on partnership and an equal footing.


As your business partner, we keep an eye on all current HR topics: Megatrends of a changing working world as well as new legal regulations or risks. Through good HR structures and processes, we want to ensure that you achieve your corporate goals - and make your employees happy at the same time.

Find your flow with us through current and future HR challenges

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Thank you!

You're in good company

We are an experienced HR partner for start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large corporations. We reliably make employees happier and companies more productive.

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